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Pet Anesthesia with Our Doubletree Veterinarians

As a caring pet owner, it’s important that you work with an experienced veterinarian when your furry friend needs pet anesthesia for a medical procedure or dental cleaning. Our veterinarians at Doubletree Veterinary Clinic in Little Rock have the education, experience, and bedside manner you’re looking for when you need someone to perform surgery on your pet.

Why Pet Anesthesia Is Necessary

Pet anesthesia is considered to be the appropriate standard of care for any surgical procedure that cannot be done with local anesthetic, as well as during pet dental procedures.

Pet Anesthesia Safety

While there are risks with any type of medical procedure, we do everything we can to reduce the risk. If your pet has any health issues that may present problems with general anesthesia, one of our veterinarians will discuss these risks with you and help you decide whether or not the surgical procedure is worth the risk. An experienced veterinarian and surgical team are important for helping to lower the risk of complications during your pet’s procedure. Our veterinarians use advanced monitoring equipment, just like the equipment used on people during surgery, to keep your pet safe during their procedure. One of our experienced and trained Veterinary Technicians are with your pet the entire time they are sedated.

Importance Of Pet Anesthesia

Anesthesia works by cutting off pain messages to the brain, allowing your pet to remain in a calm, unconscious state for the duration of their procedure. This allows your vet to remain free from pain, helps their vital signs remain stable, and allows our veterinarian to safely work on your pet with instruments without accidentally causing them harm.

How Anesthesia Is Administered

Prior to your pet’s procedure, the surgical staff will give your pet a sedative to help them relax. Then, anesthesia meds will be administered either intravenously or intramuscular. The surgical staff will monitor your pet’s vital signs to ensure they are getting exactly the amount of anesthesia medication they need to remain sedated and safe.